We’ve put together a database of all of the songs that are in our different books. There are over 600 songs in here. 90% of them have been worked out by us from scratch. That means there will be songs in here that you will not find anywhere else. We also make sure that songs are in the original key and follow the structure of the original as closely as possible. As a group we focus on more recent songs, you will not find standard ukulele group songs in here.

You can search on any field using the search box at the top. Difficulty is scored with 1 being the easiest and 5 being the most difficult. To be honest the difficulty is a bit made up and not that consistent. If you want to filter the results by difficulty or book number use the two boxes above the table. You will see all of the filters you’ve added listed beneath the filter box. To remove a filter just click on it. You can also filter individual columns by entering text into the bottom row.

To see a song, click on the song title you will be taken to the PDF for that song. It was quite a laborious process matching up PDFs with song titles so if you notice any mistakes let us know.

Don't StopFleetwood Mac2Book 912Book 9
FlowersMyley Cyrus3Book 1356Book 13
AppleCharli XCX2Book 1334Book 13
Paint it BlackThe Rolling Stones2Book 122Book 1
YMCAVillage People4Book 226Book 2
KayleighMarillion3Book 554Book 5
All I Want for Christmas Is YouMariah Carey4Snowselele27Snowselele
Ten Tonne SkeletonRoyal Blood2Book 926Book 9
8 Days of ChristmasDestiny's Child3Snowselele90Snowselele
You Make It Feel Like ChristmasGwen Stefani2Snowselele108Snowselele
Enjoy the SilenceDepeche Mode2Book 1144Book 11
IDGAFDua Lipa2Book 1328Book 13
So What P!nk4Book 1074Book 10
A Winter's TaleDavid Essex3Snowselele68Snowselele
RocksPrimal Scream2Book 720Book 7
Make Me Smile (Come Up and See Me)Steve Harley1Book 330Book 3
Lift U UpGotthard3Book 664Book 6
Mardy BumArctic Monkeys3Book 631Book 6
Just A LittleLiberty X2Book 916Book 9
Lonely This ChristmasMud1Snowselele31Snowselele
Stay (I Missed You)Lisa Loeb4Book 1292Book 12
Add It UpViolent Femmes1Book 510Book 5
Folsom Prison BluesJohnny Cash1Book 17Book 1
KidsMGMT3Book 262Book 2
Do Think I’m Sexy?Rod Stewart3Book 1372Book 13
Bad MedicineBon Jovi3Book 638Book 6
Here I Go AgainWhitesnake4Book 228Book 2
SpacemanSam Ryder4Book 1282Book 12
9 to 5Dolly Parton2Book 319Book 3
Golden BrownThe Stranglers2Book 922Book 9
Chestnuts Roasting on an Open FireNat King Cole4Snowselele70Snowselele
Fuck YouCe Lo Green3Book 348Book 3
Sit DownJames2Book 1320Book 13
The Monster MashBobby "Boris" Pickett1Spookelele12Spookelele
Bad ReputationJoan Jett2Book 526Book 5
Pour Some Sugar on MeDef Leppard4Book 1388Book 13
Pork and BeansWeezer3Book 454Book 4
Good TimesChic3Book 562Book 5
Cool For CatsSqueeze3Book 553Book 5
White ChristmasBing Crosby2Snowselele38Snowselele
Holding Out for A HeroBonnie Tyler4Book 772Book 7
Blue ChristmasElvis Presley2Snowselele50Snowselele
Won't Get Fooled AgainThe Who3Book 1164Book 11
Sympathy For the DevilThe Rolling Stones4Book 344Book 3
Christmas (Baby Please Come Home)Darlene Love2Snowselele80Snowselele
Don't Go Breaking My HeartElton John & Kiki Dee4Book 682Book 6
Seven Seas of RhyeQueen4Book 1394Book 13
Since You've Been GoneRainbow4Book 464Book 4
I'm the Urban SpacemanBonzo Dog Doo-Dah Band1Book 113Book 1
SomedayThe Strokes3Book 1362Book 13
Move on UpCurtis Mayfield2Book 1129Book 11
CrazyGnarls Barkley3Book 950Book 9
Summer of '69Bryan Adams3Book 152Book 1
Day Month Second GIRLI3Book 1062Book 10
Suffragette City David Bowie3Ziggy Stardust22Ziggy Stardust
FameIrene Cara4Book 1196Book 11
Signed Sealed Delivered I'm YoursStevie Wonder3Book 1240Book 12
Virginia PlainRoxy Music2Book 1142Book 11
Lovely RitaThe Beatles2Sgt. Pepper's22Sgt. Pepper's
I’m on FireBruce Springsteen3Book 1346Book 13
Cum on Feel the NoizeSlade3Book 256Book 2
That Was The Worst Christmas EverSufjan Stevens1Snowselele28Snowselele
Afternoon DelightStarland Vocal Band4Book 364Book 3
Got My Mind Set On YouGeorge Harrison1Book 78Book 7
New EnglandBilly Bragg2Book 425Book 4
Things Can Only Get Better D:Ream2Book 1020Book 10
All Night LongLionel Richie1Book 36Book 3
Out of SpaceThe Prodigy3Book 942Book 9
Don't Stop BelievingJourney3Book 334Book 3
It's Raining MenThe Weather Girls4Book 768Book 7
Starman David Bowie4Ziggy Stardust10Ziggy Stardust
Song 2Blur2Book 424Book 4
Let Me Entertain YouRobbie Williams3Book 1378Book 13
It Must Have Been LoveRoxette3Book 1250Book 12
99 Red BalloonsNena3Book 340Book 3
Kiss From A RoseSeal3Book 636Book 6
StarlightMuse3Book 451Book 4
I'm Looking Through YouThe Beatles3Book 160Book 1
Movin' on UpPrimal Scream1Book 1114Book 11
That Don’t Impress Me MuchShania Twain1Book 136Book 13
Walk Like An EgyptianThe Bangles1Book 64Book 6
PeachesThe Presidents of the United States of America3Book 868Book 8
Heaven is a Place on EarthBelinda Carlisle3Book 1158Book 11
Wired For SoundCliff Richard3Book 652Book 6
Hey YaOutKast2Book 436Book 4
Neighbourhood Space1Book 1012Book 10
Please Come Home for ChristmasThe Eagles3Snowselele86Snowselele
Ziggy StardustDavid Bowie3Book 138Book 1
DenisBlondie3Book 1178Book 11
I Wanna Be Like YouThe Jungle Book2Book 18Book 1
Nothing Else MattersMetallica3Book 844Book 8
StutterElastica3Book 1160Book 11
We Didn't Start the FireBilly Joel3Book 260Book 2
Telephone Lady Gaga1Book 1016Book 10
Hanging on the TelephoneBlondie2Book 910Book 9
Cruel SummerTaylor Swift3Book 1358Book 13
Saturday Night's Alright For FightingElton John3Book 564Book 5
Golden SkansKlaxxons1Book 96Book 9
Don't MatterKings of Leon3Book 752Book 7
Stay Another DayEast 171Snowselele46Snowselele
The GamblerKenny Rogers3Book 312Book 3
Santa BabyJoan Javits4Snowselele52Snowselele
Birdhouse in your SoulThey Might Be Giants4Book 582Book 5
She's Not ThereThe Zombies3Book 236Book 2
Run Rudolph RunChuck Berry1Snowselele40Snowselele
Swords of a Thousand MenTenpole Tudor1Book 77Book 7
Poison Arrow ABC3Book 1052Book 10
The LookMetronomy3Book 646Book 6
A Little RespectErasure3Book 439Book 4
Torn Natalie Imbruglia3Book 1048Book 10
The SignAce of Base2Book 628Book 6
Sweet Home AlabamaLynyrd Skynyrd1Book 120Book 1
Christmas WrappingThe Waitresses3Snowselele10Snowselele
Self ControlLaura Branigan4Book 1198Book 11
One Girl/One Boy!!!3Book 1162Book 11
Rock 'n' Roll Suicide David Bowie4Ziggy Stardust24Ziggy Stardust
Ring of FireJohnny Cash1Book 16Book 1
Happy TogetherThe Turtles2Book 134Book 1
PoisonAlice Cooper3Book 940Book 9
If I Could Turn Back TimeCher3Book 1166Book 11
Video Killed The Radio StarThe Buggles2Book 523Book 5
LadykillersLush3Book 858Book 8
Frosty the SnowmanWalter Rollins3Snowselele34Snowselele
Underneath The TreeKelly Clarkson2Snowselele104Snowselele
Boogie NightsHeatwave3Book 648Book 6
SatisfactionThe Rolling Stones2Book 310Book 3
ViciousLou Reed3Transformer4Transformer
No Excuses Meghan Trainor1Book 108Book 10
Suburbia Pet Shop Boys3Book 1060Book 10
Kiss With a FistFlorence and the Machine3Book 658Book 6
It Wasn't MeShaggy1Book 1116Book 11
Keep on Runnin'The Spencer Davis Group3Book 951Book 9
No RootsAlice Merton2Book 1154Book 11
King of Carrot Flowers Pt 1Neutral Milk Hotel1Book 613Book 6
RosannaToto4Book 1080Book 10
Price TagJessie J1Book 38Book 3
Staying Out for the SummerDodgy1Book 116Book 11
Peggy SueBuddy Holly3Book 324Book 3
ReptiliaThe Strokes2Book 834Book 8
Paradise CityGuns N’ Roses3Book 1370Book 13
Chelsea DaggerThe Fratellis3Book 1258Book 12
The ChainFleetwood Mac3Book 644Book 6
Boom ClapCharli XCX3Book 640Book 6
Total Eclipse of the HeartBonnie Tyler4Book 128Book 1
Getting BetterThe Beatles2Sgt. Pepper's10Sgt. Pepper's
Sex on FireKings of Leon1Book 522Book 5
Teenage DirtbagWheatus2Book 322Book 3
Nothing Breaks Like a HeartMark Ronson (feat. Miley Cyrus)3Book 1176Book 11
Driving Home For ChristmasChris Rea3Snowselele66Snowselele
Another Girl Another PlanetThe Only Ones2Book 540Book 5
The Heat is OnGlenn Frey2Book 1132Book 11
Fairytale of New YorkThe Pogues2Snowselele6Snowselele
Good As HellLizzo3Book 1276Book 12
Hot StuffDonna Summer2Book 824Book 8
Werewolves of LondonWarren Zevon1Spookelele26Spookelele
Celebrity SkinHole3Book 1260Book 12
Nothing's Gonna Stop UsStarship4Book 11100Book 11
Young AmericansDavid Bowie3Book 456Book 4
Escape (The Piña Colada Song) Rupert Holmes1Book 104Book 10
Even Better Than the Real ThingU22Book 1324Book 13
Dancehall DaysWang Chung3Book 1172Book 11
Every You Every MePlacebo3Book 966Book 9
The Man Who Sold the WorldDavid Bowie3Book 25Book 2
The Denial TwistThe White Stripes3Book 656Book 6
This Town Ain't Big Enough For The Both of UsSparks4Book 876Book 8
Ghost TownThe Specials4Book 575Book 5
The Bells of St MaryBob B. Soxx & The Blue Jean2Snowselele72Snowselele
Cheap ThrillsSia3Book 838Book 8
Sloop John BThe Beach Boys2Book 326Book 3
Into The ValleySkids2Book 726Book 7
Hangin' RoundLou Reed1Transformer10Transformer
Chaise LongueWet Leg1Book 124Book 12
You Make Me Feel (Mighty Real)Sylvester3Book 763Book 7
Back to BlackAmy Winehouse3Book 1347Book 13
Deck the HallsJohn Ceiriog Hughes2Snowselele29Snowselele
Here Comes Santa ClausGene Autry3Snowselele71Snowselele
Don't Stop Me NowQueen4Book 870Book 8
The Age of the UnderstatementLast Shadow Puppets4Book 980Book 9
Times Like TheseFoo Fighters3Book 452Book 4
Pretty Fly (For A White Guy)The Offspring3Book 964Book 9
Little Drummer BoyKatherine Kennicott Davis2Snowselele54Snowselele
Mama Weer All Crazee Now Slade2Book 1034Book 10
CelebrationKool & The Gang3Book 748Book 7
You & Me Song The Wannadies2Book 1028Book 10
Take Me Home, Country RoadsJohn Denver3Book 215Book 2
Friday I'm In LoveThe Cure2Book 524Book 5
The Boy With The Arab StrapBelle & Sebastian1Book 520Book 5
Strange BrewCream1Spookelele46Spookelele
You Shook Me All Night LongAC/DC1Book 155Book 1
I Ran (So Far Away)Flock of Seagulls1Book 414Book 4
Farewell to the FairgroundWhite Lies3Book 660Book 6
Devil in DisguiseElvis Presley1Spookelele8Spookelele
Breakfast at Tiffany'sDeep Blue Something1Book 1118Book 11
It's Yer Money I'm After BabyThe Wonder Stuff3Book 938Book 9
Good Morning Good MorningThe Beatles1Sgt. Pepper's24Sgt. Pepper's
Merry Christmas EveryoneShakin' Stevens3Snowselele42Snowselele
With a Little Help From My FriendsThe Beatles3Sgt. Pepper's6Sgt. Pepper's
Dedicated Follower of FashionThe Kinks3Book 250Book 2
TrueSpandau Ballet3Book 124Book 1
Stairway to HeavenLed Zeppelin5Book 366Book 3
Dead Ringer For LoveMeatloaf and Cher3Book 670Book 6
Let's DanceDavid Bowie2Book 723Book 7
Changing (feat. Paloma Faith)Sigma2Book 1138Book 11
Urban GuerrillaHawkwind1Book 714Book 7
Don't You Want MeHuman League3Book 224Book 2
Ruby, Don't Take Your Love to TownKenny Rogers4Book 255Book 2
ScreamagerTherapy?1Book 1122Book 11
Planet EarthDuran Duran3Book 1238Book 12
Under PressureQueen3Book 1180Book 11
Safety DanceMen Without Hats3Book 546Book 5
Wagon WheelLou Reed3Transformer18Transformer
Down UnderMen at Work3Book 210Book 2
Red Light Spells Danger Billy Ocean3Book 1070Book 10
You're So VainCarly Simon1Book 94Book 9
Steady, As She GoesThe Raconteurs4Book 976Book 9
Sweet Child 'O MineGuns 'N Roses2Book 314Book 3
Backdoor SantaClarence Carter1Snowselele92Snowselele
White Light/White HeatThe Velvet Underground1Book 715Book 7
Don't Stop MovingS Club 73Book 752Book 7
Basket CaseGreenday2Book 541Book 5
Lightning BoltJake Bugg3Book 846Book 8
Dragon BonesJamie T3Book 1266Book 12
Somewhere in my HeartAztec Camera3Book 220Book 2
SpookyDusty Springfield2Book 419Book 4
High HopesPanic at the Disco3Book 1268Book 12
I Think We're Alone NowTiffany2Book 1224Book 12
Smooth OperatorSade1Book 134Book 13
Do You Remember the First TimePulp1Book 1112Book 11
Merry Christmas BabyBruce Springsteen3Snowselele83Snowselele
Murder on the DancefloorSophie Ellis-Bextor4Book 974Book 9
PanicThe Smiths3Book 450Book 4
Old Town RoadLil Nas X (Billy Ray Cyrus Remix)2Book 1150Book 11
HeartbreakerPat Benetar3Book 1274Book 12
Waving FlagsBritish Sea Power1Book 816Book 8
UnbelievableEMF3Book 740Book 7
Shout Out to My ExLittle Mix3Book 954Book 9
The Final CountdownEurope4Book 158Book 1
Rolling In The Deep Adele3Book 1050Book 10
SuckerJonas Brothers3Book 1186Book 11
AlrightSupergrass3Book 937Book 9
Enter SandmanMetallica5Book 468Book 4
FaithGeorge Michael3Book 248Book 2
It's Beginning to Look A Lot Like ChristmasBing Crosby3Snowselele62Snowselele
Rockin' around the Christmas TreeBrenda Lee2Snowselele26Snowselele
Spirit in the SkyNorman Greenbaum2Book 34Book 3
Slight ReturnThe Bluetones2Book 1140Book 11
Number of the BeastIron Maiden3Book 666Book 6
Bad GuyBillie Eilish1Book 1128Book 11
Addicted to LoveRobert Palmer2Book 534Book 5
Same JeansThe View1Book 814Book 8
Boulevard of Broken DreamsGreen Day3Book 874Book 8
Sweet Dreams are Made of TheseEurythmics2Book 1218Book 12
Son of a Preacher ManDusty Springfield3Book 948Book 9
Pinball WizardThe Who5Book 466Book 4
Kill BillSZA3Book 1244Book 12
Size of a CowThe Wonderstuff3Book 548Book 5
Brimful of AshaCornershop2Book 240Book 2
Livin' La Vida LocaRicky Martin3Book 1262Book 12
You Spin Me Right Round (Like a Record)Dead or Alive3Book 632Book 6
Love Me AgainJohn Newman2Book 1332Book 13
ShoutTears For Fears1Book 54Book 5
In BloomNirvana3Book 1170Book 11
Head Over HeelsTears for Fears2Book 1322Book 13
When You're GoneBryan Adams and Melanie C2Book 1220Book 12
Thank God It's ChristmasQueen3Snowselele94Snowselele
Sorted for E's & WizzPulp2Book 918Book 9
Sleigh RideMitchell Parish4Snowselele51Snowselele
I Don't Feel Like Dancin'Scissor Sisters3Book 678Book 6
Somebody Told MeThe Killers3Book 544Book 5
Wonderful Christmas TimePaul McCartney3Snowselele52Snowselele
Hey Man (Now You're Really Living)Eels1Book 68Book 6
Call MeBlondie4Book 232Book 2
Baker StreetGerry Rafferty4Book 1194Book 11
The Season's Upon UsDropkick Murphys3Snowselele84Snowselele
Back for GoodTake That3Book 218Book 2
CrashThe Primitives3Book 1256Book 12
RioDuran Duran3Book 568Book 5
Dear Santa (Bring Me A Man This Christmas)The Weather Girls4Snowselele88Snowselele
As it WasHarry Styles2Book 1228Book 12
Wanted: Dead or AliveBon Jovi1Book 352Book 3
Only YouYazoo3Book 123Book 1
Get it OnT Rex1Book 212Book 2
Lady Stardust David Bowie3Ziggy Stardust14Ziggy Stardust
Let's Spend the Night Together The Rolling Stones2Book 1036Book 10
Walking in the AirHoward Blake3Snowselele93Snowselele
Any Way You Want ItJourney2Book 914Book 9
One Way or Another Blondie4Book 1076Book 10
2-4-6-8 MotorwayThe Tom Robinson Band1Book 556Book 5
Detroit Rock CityKISS4Book 580Book 5
AfricaToto4Book 354Book 3
Love and PrideKing3Book 742Book 7
Everybody Wants to Be Famous Superorganism1Book 1010Book 10
Suddenly I SeeKT Tunstall3Book 1246Book 12
Mistletoe & WineCliff Richard2Snowselele39Snowselele
Stuck in the Middle With YouStealers Wheel1Book 88Book 8
The PretenderFoo Fighters2Book 616Book 6
Last ChristmasGeorge Michael2Snowselele16Snowselele
Step Into ChristmasElton John3Snowselele60Snowselele
Ziggy Stardust David Bowie3Ziggy Stardust20Ziggy Stardust
Wuthering HeightsKate Bush5Book 688Book 6
Fixing a HoleThe Beatles3Sgt. Pepper's12Sgt. Pepper's
Hotel YorbaWhite Stripes1Book 410Book 4
There's a Ghost In My HouseR. Dean Taylor3Spookelele32Spookelele
Turning JapaneseThe Vapours4Book 350Book 3
I Believe in a Thing Called LoveThe Darkness4Book 1284Book 12
Crocodile RockElton John2Book 1146Book 11
Tainted LoveSoft Cell4Book 148Book 1
Andy's ChestLou Reed2Transformer6Transformer
Walking on SunshineKatrina & the Waves1Book 112Book 1
Dancehall DomineThe New Pornographers2Book 930Book 9
Great ThingsEchobelly3Book 862Book 8
Kiss OffViolent Femmes1Book 716Book 7
(I Just) Died In Your Arms TonightCutting Crew3Book 852Book 8
Bela Lagosi's DeadBauhaus4Spookelele34Spookelele
Whippin' PiccadillyGomez1Book 76Book 7
Fantastic DayHaircut 1003Book 1348Book 13
The Less I Know the BetterTame Impala3Book 1376Book 13
We Are Never Ever Getting Back TogetherTaylor Swift3Book 550Book 5
Marshmallow WorldDarlene Love3Snowselele74Snowselele
ReachS Club 74Book 584Book 5
Eye of the TigerSurvivor3Book 136Book 1
Alphabet St.Prince2Book 836Book 8
Lucy in the Sky with DiamondsThe Beatles3Sgt. Pepper's8Sgt. Pepper's
Devil Gate DriveSuzi Quatro3Book 238Book 2
White WeddingBilly Idol3Book 444Book 4
I Think I'm ParanoidGarbage3Book 842Book 8
GoldSpandau Ballet3Book 962Book 9
Time WarpRocky Horror Picture Show3Spookelele6Spookelele
Never Ending StoryLimahl3Book 1174Book 11
There She GoesThe Las2Book 420Book 4
Happy Christmas (War is Over)John Lennon3Snowselele12Snowselele
Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer & Jingle BellsGene Autry1Snowselele24Snowselele
All These Things That IÂ’ve DoneThe Killers1Book 1110Book 11
TeenagersMy Chemical Romance2Book 820Book 8
That's Not My NameThe Ting Tings3Book 758Book 7
China in Your HandT'pau3Book 446Book 4
(Don't Fear) The ReaperBlue Oyster Cult4Book 356Book 3
Dani CaliforniaRed Hot Chili Peppers3Book 848Book 8
Within You, Without YouThe Beatles5Sgt. Pepper's18Sgt. Pepper's
I Believe in Father ChristmasGreg Lake3Snowselele22Snowselele
GMFJohn Grant4Book 684Book 6
Summer in the CityThe Lovin' Spoonful4Book 770Book 7
DelilahTom Jones3Book 438Book 4
Last NiteThe Strokes3Book 214Book 2
TemptationHeaven 174Book 680Book 6
Spice Up Your Life The Spice Girls1Book 106Book 10
Don't Leave Me This WayThe Communards4Book 776Book 7
If You WannaThe Vaccines1Book 98Book 9
StandREM4Book 576Book 5
Make UpLou Reed3Transformer14Transformer
It's A HeartacheBonnie Tyler2Book 317Book 3
Little Saint NickThe Beach Boys3Snowselele81Snowselele
I'm So ExcitedThe Pointer Sisters3Book 756Book 7
Lost In MusicSister Sledge2Book 718Book 7
Wombling Merry ChristmasThe Wombles3Snowselele73Snowselele
American PieDon Mclean2Book 426Book 4
Have Yourself A Merry Little ChristmasFrank Sinatra3Snowselele98Snowselele
Psycho KillerTalking Heads3Book 353Book 3
The Most Wonderful Time of the Year Andy Williams4Snowselele58Snowselele
A Spaceman Came TravellingChris de Burgh1Snowselele56Snowselele
Ex's & Oh'sElle King2Book 924Book 9
Pink SunshineFuzzbox3Book 854Book 8
By Your HandLos Campesinos!3Book 754Book 7
That's Entertainment The Jam3Book 1038Book 10
Edge of HeavenWham3Book 1344Book 13
Easy MoneyJohnny Marr3Book 642Book 6
Barely LegalThe Strokes2Book 630Book 6
Eve of DestuctionBarry McGuire2Book 242Book 2
Lousy ConnectionEzra Furman3Book 860Book 8
Let's Stick TogetherBryan Ferry2Book 1216Book 12
I'm a BelieverThe Monkees2Book 252Book 2
Hole In the HeadSugarbabes2Book 1316Book 13
Touch Me (I Want Your Body)Samantha Fox1Book 1124Book 11
This is How It Feels Inspiral Carpets1Book 1014Book 10
Raspberry BeretPrince3Book 462Book 4
Hold Me NowThe Thompson Twins2Book 110Book 1
Rockin' All Over The WorldStatus Quo1Book 84Book 8
Takin' Care of BusinessBachman Turner Overdrive1Book 1212Book 12
FootlooseKenny Loggins3Book 750Book 7
Take It EasyEagles2Book 733Book 7
Feel It Still Portugal. The Man3Book 1058Book 10
Walk of LifeDire Straits1Book 44Book 4
Brain Damage/EclipsePink Floyd4Book 774Book 7
Must Be SantaBob Dylan2Snowselele32Snowselele
My Favourite GameThe Cardigans3Book 1184Book 11
...Baby One More Time Britney Spears3Book 1066Book 10
Together in Electric DreamsPhil Oakey & Giorgio Moroder4Book 1384Book 13
Take on MeA-Ha4Book 29Book 2
Don't Speak No Doubt4Book 1084Book 10
Livin' On a PrayerBon Jovi1Book 114Book 1
This Ain't a Scene, It's An Arms RaceFall Out Boy3Book 674Book 6
No RainBlind Melon3Book 970Book 9
CopacabanaBarry Manilow5Book 882Book 8
Float OnModest Mouse3Book 560Book 5
Perfect DayLou Reed4Transformer8Transformer
Are You Gonna Be My Girl?Jet2Book 724Book 7
Buck RogersFeeder3Book 1368Book 13
Been Caught StealingJane's Addiction3Book 1232Book 12
I Want it That Way Backstreet Boys4Book 1072Book 10
Ideal HusbandFather John Misty3Book 952Book 9
Merry Xmas EverybodySlade3Snowselele20Snowselele
Black MagicLittle Mix3Book 1248Book 12
Fell In Love With a GirlThe White Stripes2Book 536Book 5
CenterfoldJ. Geils Band3Book 558Book 5
Mr Blue SkyELO4Book 258Book 2
Don't You (Forget About Me)Simple Minds2Book 818Book 8
Drops of JupiterTrain1Book 1126Book 11
Love Changes (Everything)Climie Fisher3Book 866Book 8
Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club BandThe Beatles2Sgt. Pepper's4Sgt. Pepper's
Love potion #9The Clovers3Spookelele44Spookelele
RoarKaty Perry3Book 766Book 7
Second Hand News Fleetwood Mac2Book 1032Book 10
VenusBananarama1Book 48Book 4
London CallingThe Clash3Book 264Book 2
PadamKylie Minogue3Book 1380Book 13
KissPrince3Book 672Book 6
Texas Hold ‘EmBeyoncé3Book 1366Book 13
Goodnight LadiesLou Reed3Transformer24Transformer
Inbetween DaysThe Cure2Book 1217Book 12
Istanbul (Not Constantinople)They Might Be Giants1Book 812Book 8
Once Around the BlockBadly Drawn Boy1Book 139Book 13
Learn to FlyFoo Fighters3Book 1230Book 12
2000 MilesThe Pretenders3Snowselele78Snowselele
Goody Two ShoesAdam Ant3Book 662Book 6
Blame it on the WeathermanB*Witched1Book 138Book 13
Satellite of LoveLou Reed3Transformer16Transformer
BitchMeredith Brooks3Book 840Book 8
If I Had $1,000,000Barenaked Ladies2Book 532Book 5
Sweet Talkin' WomanELO3Book 946Book 9
MistletoeJustin Bieber2Snowselele106Snowselele
Take Your MamaScissor Sisters1Book 516Book 5
Tear in My Heart Twenty One Pilots3Book 1044Book 10
I Wanna RockTwisted Sister2Book 626Book 6
ZombieJamie T4Book 686Book 6
Christmas Time Don't let the Bells EndThe Darkness4Snowselele102Snowselele
You Are The EverythingR.E.M.3Book 244Book 2
Blinding LightsThe Weeknd3Book 1264Book 12
Can't Get You Out of my HeadKylie Minogue3Book 222Book 2
Sexuality Billy Bragg3Book 1064Book 10
Born to RunBruce Springsteen4Book 358Book 3
Come on Eileen Dexy's Midnight Runners3Book 1040Book 10
LithiumNirvana3Book 458Book 4
Girl From MarsAsh3Book 654Book 6
StarmanDavid Bowie4Book 972Book 9
Female of the SpeciesSpace2Book 928Book 9
Buddy HollyWeezer2Book 1338Book 13
Shut Up and DanceWalk the Moon2Book 932Book 9
Blister in the SunViolent Femmes2Book 430Book 4
You Can't Hurry LovePhil Collins2Book 722Book 7
Lips Are Movin'Meghan Trainor1Book 712Book 7
Bat Out Of HellMeatloaf5Book 370Book 3
Road to NowhereTalking Heads3Book 676Book 6
Santa Claus is Coming to TownGillespie & Coots1Snowselele13Snowselele
It Must Be LoveMadness3Book 570Book 5
I Will SurviveGloria Gaynor4Book 150Book 1
Just My Type The Vamps3Book 1046Book 10
Bohemian RhapsodyQueen5Book 780Book 7
This LoveMaroon 54Book 971Book 9
Shotgun George Ezra2Book 1018Book 10
HandclapFitz and the Tantrums4Book 1286Book 12
Beautiful OnesSuede4Book 978Book 9
Under the BridgeRed Hot Chili Peppers5Book 230Book 2
Gold DustDJ Fresh2Book 830Book 8
LovefoolThe Cardigans5Book 982Book 9
Follow You DownGin Blossoms1Book 128Book 12
Waking UpDjango Django2Book 1226Book 12
Get LuckyDaft Punk2Book 530Book 5
Flagpole SittaHarvey Danger3Book 1340Book 13
Invisible TouchGenesis3Book 1278Book 12
Time to PretendMGMT2Book 936Book 9
The Yeah Yeah Yeah SongThe Flaming Lips3Book 956Book 9
Run To YouBryan Adams2Book 832Book 8
Walking in a Winter WonderlandDean Martin3Snowselele36Snowselele
Ever Fallen in LoveThe Buzzcocks3Book 442Book 4
Double VisionForeigner3Book 1270Book 12
Let it SnowSammy Cahn3Snowselele30Snowselele
HysteriaMuse1Book 612Book 6
Dancing With MyselfBilly Idol1Book 1210Book 12
Don't Start NowDua Lipa3Book 1252Book 12
Kids In AmericaKim Wilde2Book 422
Book 4
Stop The CavalryJona Lewie1Snowselele18Snowselele
Dance ApocalypticJanelle Monae3Book 744Book 7
Bad RomanceLady Gaga2Book 920Book 9
ControlBroken Bells1Book 75Book 7
When I'm Cleaning WindowsGeorge Formby3Book 440Book 4
Scooby DooMatthew Sweet1Spookelele22Spookelele
Take a ChanceAbba3Book 1242Book 12
Common PeoplePulp2Book 144Book 1
We're Going To Be FriendsThe White Stripes1Book 817Book 8
People are StrangeThe Doors3Book 253Book 2
She Don't Use JellyThe Flaming Lips2Book 432Book 4
Run to the HillsIron Maiden3Book 1364Book 13
CreepRadiohead2Book 116Book 1
BulletproofLa Roux2Book 614Book 6
Losing My ReligionR.E.M.2Book 1130Book 11
TarantulaPendulum5Book 778Book 7
Don't Worry 'Bout A ThingStevie Wonder4Book 872Book 8
No One KnowsQueens Of The Stone Age3Book 268Book 2
I'll Be There For YouThe Rembrandts3Book 1234Book 12
Cake by the OceanDNCE2Book 828Book 8
Sultans of SwingDire Straits3Book 1342Book 13
Crazy What Love Can DoDavid Guetta3Book 1272Book 12
Tik TokKe$ha2Book 622Book 6
BelieverImagine Dragons2Book 1024Book 10
Will We Talk?Sam Fender1Book 1120Book 11
Can't Stand Losing YouThe Police4Book 1288Book 12
Careless WhisperGeorge Michael1Book 810Book 8
I'm not Going to Teach Your...Black Kids1Book 130Book 1
Keep the Car RunningArcade Fire2Book 911Book 9
Glowing in the DarkDjango Django1Book 1312Book 13
GhostbustersRay Parker Junior3Spookelele38Spookelele
New York Telephone ConversationLou Reed4Transformer20Transformer
I'm Still StandingElton John4Book 878Book 8
Shake It OffTaylor Swift1Book 66Book 6
Everything Goes My Way Metronomy2Book 1027Book 10
SledgehammerPeter Gabriel4Book 1290Book 12
Another Rock 'N Roll ChristmasGary Glitter3Snowselele48Snowselele
Black Magic WomanFleetwood Mac2Spookelele19Spookelele
Ghost Riders in the SkyStan Jones2Spookelele18Spookelele
WannabeSpice Girls3Book 1188Book 11
Give it UpKC & The Sunshine Band2Book 730Book 7
You've Got Time Regina Spektor2Book 1022Book 10
Dreaming Of YouThe Coral1Book 65Book 6
There Is A Light a Light That Never Goes OutThe Smiths2Book 624Book 6
WaterlooAbba3Book 1065Book 10
She Bangs the DrumStone Roses2Book 1336Book 13
Merry Christmas (I Don't Want To Fight Tonight)The Ramones3Snowselele82Snowselele
A Day in the LifeThe Beatles3Sgt. Pepper's28Sgt. Pepper's
ParanoidBlack Sabbath3Book 1350Book 13
Girls, Girls, GirlsMötley Crüe3Book 1354Book 13
Hungry Like The WolfDuran Duran3Book 449Book 4
The ConceptTeenage Fanclub2Book 418Book 4
Wake Me Up Before You Go - GoWham2Book 528Book 5
The Power of LoveHuey Lewis & The News3Book 572Book 5
Go Your Own WayFleetwood Mac3Book 24Book 2
Being For the Benefit of Mister KiteThe Beatles3Sgt. Pepper's16Sgt. Pepper's
What Christmas Means To MeStevie Wonder3Snowselele76Snowselele
Dancing QueenAbba4Book 880Book 8
You're Gonna Go Far KidThe Offspring1Book 1214Book 12
Everything is Gonna to be Cool This ChristmasEels2Snowselele8Snowselele
Hate To Say I Told You SoThe Hives3Book 460Book 4
National ExpressThe Divine Comedy4Book 586Book 5
Carry On Wayward SonKansas3Book 634Book 6
O Mary Don't You WeepBruce Springsteen1Book 56Book 5
HOT TO GO!Chappell Roan1Book 1314Book 13
Word UpCameo3Book 764Book 7
Achy Breaky HeartBilly Ray Cyrus1Book 114Book 11
HumanThe Killers3Book 837Book 8
Here Comes the SunThe Beatles4Book 254Book 2
Wish You Were HerePink Floyd1Book 85Book 8
Breakfast in AmericaSupertramp3Book 552Book 5
Can't Feel My FaceThe Weeknd1Book 710Book 7
It's The End of The World As We Know ItR.E.M.3Book 668Book 6
Can't Stop The FeelingJustin Timberlake3Book 864Book 8
Five Years David Bowie2Ziggy Stardust4Ziggy Stardust
Karma ChameleonCulture Club2Book 538Book 5
Moonage DaydreamDavid Bowie3Ziggy Stardust8Ziggy Stardust
Ride On TimeBlack Box2Book 728Book 7
Subterranean Homesick BluesBob Dylan1Book 74Book 7
GenoDexy's Midnight Runners3Book 542Book 5
You Sexy ThingHot Chocolate1Book 610Book 6
Just Can't Get EnoughDepeche Mode2Book 154Book 1
Stacy’s MomFountains of Wayne4Book 1386Book 13
Horse With No NameAmerica2Book 416Book 4
Believe Cher3Book 1054Book 10
Star David Bowie3Ziggy Stardust16Ziggy Stardust
Life On MarsDavid Bowie5Book 782Book 7
Le FreakChic1Book 118Book 11
She Sells SanctuaryThe Cult1Book 514Book 5
Yoshimi Battles The Pink RobotsThe Flaming Lips1Book 118Book 1
HeroesDavid Bowie1Book 316Book 3
More Than a FeelingBoston4Book 360Book 3
Echo BeachMartha and the Muffins3Book 448Book 4
Here Comes Your ManThe Pixies3Book 338Book 3
Free YourselfJesse Ware3Book 1382Book 13
Nothing MattersLast Dinner Party3Book 1360Book 13
Hung UpMadonna1Book 1310Book 13
Born To Be My BabyBon Jovi3Book 958Book 9
Like A Rolling StoneBob Dylan3Book 342Book 3
She's Leaving HomeThe Beatles2Sgt. Pepper's14Sgt. Pepper's
Mary's Boy ChildBoney M2Snowselele37Snowselele
LifeDes'ree2Book 1152Book 11
Stayin' AliveBee Gees3Book 960Book 9
She's So LovelyScouting for Girls1Book 126Book 12
Breaking The LawJudas Priest2Book 618Book 6
For Your Love The Yardbirds2Book 1026Book 10
I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa ClausJimmy boyd3Snowselele9Snowselele
The Galway GirlSteve Earle2Book 734Book 7
Teenage KicksThe Undertones1Book 26Book 2
Sale of The CenturySleeper3Book 944Book 9
The ModelKraftwerk1Book 513Book 5
Crazy Little Thing Called LoveQueen3Book 140Book 1
RelaxFrankie Goes to Hollywood2Book 1134Book 11
EverydayBuddy Holly2Book 126Book 1
Restless YearEzra Furman3Book 1254Book 12
The Boys of SummerDon Henley3Book 746Book 7
Just a GirlNo Doubt4Book 1190Book 11
Why Can't This Be Love?Van Halen3Book 647Book 6
I Want a Hippopotamus For ChristmasGayla Peevey3Snowselele100Snowselele
Rebel YellBilly Idol3Book 216Book 2
Last Train to ClarksvilleThe Monkees1Book 156Book 1
When a Child is BornZacar & Jay2Snowselele41Snowselele
RoyalsLorde1Book 58Book 5
Mr BrightsideThe Killers2Book 146Book 1
Every Rose Has Its ThornPoison2Book 328Book 3
Baby LoveThe Supremes2Book 434Book 4
Bohemian Like YouThe Dandy Warhols3Book 266Book 2
JuiceLizzo3Book 1156Book 11
Love MachineGirls Aloud2Book 1326Book 13
RewardThe Teardrop Explodes2Book 826Book 8
Baby, It's Cold OutsideFrank Loesse3Snowselele64Snowselele
EspressoSabrina Carpenter2Book 1318Book 13
Jingle Bell RockBobby Helms3Snowselele35Snowselele
Think About ThingsDadi Freyr4Book 1280Book 12
ThrillerMichael Jackson4Spookelele36Spookelele
I Feel FreeCream2Book 1136Book 11
Anarchy in the UKThe Sex Pistols2Book 320Book 3
Nobody Move, Nobody Get HurtWe Are Scientists2Book 934Book 9
Silver BellsDean Martin2Snowselele87Snowselele
Hang on to Yourself David Bowie3Ziggy Stardust18Ziggy Stardust
Rocket ManElton John2Book 132Book 1
DreamsFleetwood Mac2Book 1330Book 13
AbracadabraSteve Miller Band1Spookelele14Spookelele
From Out of NowhereFaith No More3Book 735Book 7
Take Me OutFranz Ferdinand3Book 650Book 6
Bad Moon RisingCreedence Clearwater Revival1Book 28Book 2
Cat's in the CradleHarry Chapin2Book 428Book 4
You Get What You Give New Radicals4Book 1082Book 10
Hand in My PocketAlanis Morisette1Book 142Book 1
Rasputin Boney M3Book 1042Book 10
Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (reprise)The Beatles3Sgt. Pepper's26Sgt. Pepper's
Eight Days A WeekThe Beatles1Book 14Book 1
Friend of the DevilThe Grateful Dead1Book 412Book 4
RentaghostMichael Staniforth2Spookelele5Spookelele
You Give Love a Bad NameBon Jovi3Book 738Book 7
RegretEverything Everything3Book 736Book 7
LumpThe Presidents of the United States of America3Book 1168Book 11
Can't StopRed Hot Chili Peppers3Book 1236Book 12
Bark At The MoonOzzy Osbourne4Book 578Book 5
Good Enough Dodgy2Book 1030Book 10
Soul Love David Bowie4Ziggy Stardust6Ziggy Stardust
Somebody That I Used to KnowGotye1Book 46Book 4
Walk On The Wild SideLou Reed1Transformer12Transformer
Space OddityDavid Bowie5Book 368Book 3
Wake UpArcade Fire2Book 620Book 6
I Wish It Could Be Christmas Every DayRoy Wood3Snowselele14Snowselele
The One I Love R.E.M.2Book 1029Book 10
I'm So FreeLou Reed2Transformer22Transformer
Gypsies Tramps and ThievesCher4Book 362Book 3
Modern LoveDavid Bowie2Book 822Book 8
It Ain't Easy David Bowie2Ziggy Stardust12Ziggy Stardust
Santa Tell MeAriana Grande2Snowselele96Snowselele
The Adams FamilyVic Muzzy1Spookelele43Spookelele
Itchycoo ParkSmall Faces3Book 1056Book 10
I Don't Like Mondays The Boomtown Rats4Book 1078Book 10
Born To Be Wild Steppenwolf3Book 1068Book 10
If You Leave Me NowChicago4Book 869Book 8
AquariusThe Fifth Dimension4Book 234Book 2
LauraScissor Sisters4Book 1192Book 11
Not If You Were the Last Junkie on EarthThe Dandy Warhols3Book 1374Book 13
Show Me the WayPeter Frampton3Book 1182Book 11
I Want You to Want MeCheap Trick3Book 760Book 7
Livin' ThingELO4Book 874Book 8
Poker FaceLady Gaga3Book 1352Book 13
White RabbitJefferson Airplane2Book 732Book 7
Look of LoveABC2Book 332Book 3
(Sittin' On) The Dock of the BayOtis Redding3Book 336Book 3
All Right NowFree1Book 86Book 8
It's Only NaturalCrowded House3Book 968Book 9
I Bet You Look Good On The DancefloorArctic Monkeys3Book 574Book 5
Do They Know it's ChristmasBand Aid3Snowselele44Snowselele
JoleneDolly Parton1Book 233Book 2
Wrecking BallMiley Cyrus3Book 850Book 8
ManeaterHall & Oates4Book 246Book 2
When I'm Sixty FourThe Beatles3Sgt. Pepper's20Sgt. Pepper's
Fat Bottomed GirlsQueen1Book 512Book 5
I Love ItIcona Pop1Book 99Book 9
The One That Got AwayKaty Perry2Book 1222Book 12
Hold the LineToto4Book 1392Book 13
Like a VirginMadonna1Book 518Book 5
You Make My Dreams Hall & Oates2Book 1023Book 10
TeardropMassive Attack2Book 1148Book 11
And She WasTalking Heads4Book 346Book 3
WomanizerBritney Spears3Book 566Book 5
DakotaStereophonics2Book 819Book 8
I Predict a RiotKaiser Chiefs4Book 1390Book 13
What Do You Want From Me Monaco2Book 1033Book 10