We went flyering in Kings Heath last week, and noticed that loads of people asked us the same questions that people did when we started this whole silly business 12 years ago. “Is it all George Formby?” (NO) . . . “Is it OK to join, even if I can’t play the ukulele?” (YES) . . .
So here’s a beginners’ guide that we published on social media earlier this year. We hope it’s useful and that we’ll see you soon.

Sometimes, people are put off coming to Moselele for the first time.
We get it. It can be nervewracking going anywhere for the first time.
However, we’ve realised there are a few myths about Moselele . . . the most common being that you actually need to know what you’re doing!
So, just to set the record straight…
You DO NOT need to be able to read music. We use lyric sheets with chords on.
You DO NOT EVEN need to be able to play the uke! Just pick one or two chords and play those when they come around. If you have questions, lots of regulars will be willing to help.
We DO NOT sit around playing f-ing Formby. Go and have a look at the songbooks – you’ll find it’s more Muse than music hall.
NO-ONE IS LISTENING to you, or judging your playing! You won’t be heard amongst all the racket, promise.
You WILL NOT be asked to play on your own or sing in front of anyone. It’s a group thing.
You WON’T EVEN need to speak to anyone if you don’t want to! We only ask that you say your name when we go round the room saying our names at the start.
There’s NO COMMITMENT. Come to Moselele twice a month, twice a year, or just whenever you’re feeling it. We’re just happy you came along at all.
That’s it, really. Our next meeting is tomorrow, Thursday 6th October, in the back room of the Station pub in Kings Heath, from about 8pm. COME AND BELT OUT SONGS WITH US!
Hi Moselele
I’m Carolle from Moseley Tennis Club – the friendliest tennis club in the UK. We are celebrating 100 years on Saturday June 17 with a fun day at the club. We are looking for musicians/bands to perform. We’d love Moselele to join us!
Would you be interested?
Saturday June 17 Fun Day 12noon-5pm.