Moselele Songbook 13 is here

Moselele Songbook 13 is here

They said it couldn’t be done. They said it shouldn’t be done. They said, “You’ve made enough books, stop it and give us some peace”. We said, “No, we need more songs”. This is the thirteenth book we’ve made and...
Songbook 12

Songbook 12

We’ve made a new book of songs. This is the first one we have managed to make since 2020 when all the bad stuff happened. We’ve tried to maintain a thematic consistency with our other books so we have called this one Songbook 12. This follows on from...
Moselele Book 11

Moselele Book 11

We don’t publish much content but when we do it is of the highest quality. We’re really pleased to announce our 11th book of songs. Eleven book, that’s quite amazing isn’t it? Every year we think that all the songs are done now and there is no...
Holidays are coming

Holidays are coming

Is it the most wonderful time of the year? It is now. We’ve only gone and updated our Snowselele songbook.You’re probably intrigued to find out what we’ve done. We’re added new songs, we’ve corrected old songs and we’ve put some...
It’s Here – Songbook 10

It’s Here – Songbook 10

Can you believe we’ve got to ten books of songs? What sort of people carry on doing this for nine years? It’s ridiculous. You can find the book on the Book 10 page or you can get access to any of the songs by looking them up in the database. As always...
Moselele Book 9

Moselele Book 9

We’ve made another book of songs. We’re calling it Book 9. It follows any of themes of Books 1-8. It has songs arranged for ukulele with some songs being slightly harder than others. You can find the book on Book 9 page or you can get access to any of the...